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Physician List and CVs »Joel M. Reiter, M.D.
Joel M. Reiter, M.D.

Office Location
c/o Office of Dr. Roger Klein 1111 Sonoma Ave #106, Santa Rosa, CA 95405

Mailing Address
1180 Bel Marin Keys Blvd., Novato, CA 94949
Scheduling Tel: 415-399-9769
Scheduling Fax: 415-399-9439

B.A. Harvard University, 1963
New York University School of Medicine, 1967

San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA, 1967-1968

University of California, San Francisco, CA, Neurology, 1968-1971

Board Certification
Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1974

Appointed Qualified Medical Evaluator
Division of Workers’ Compensation, Medical Unit

Professional Appointments
Chief of Neurology, USAH, Ft. Carson, Colorado, 1971-1973
Clinical Faculty and coordinator of neurology training, Family Practice Residency, University of California, San Francisco, CA, Santa Rosa, California, 1975-2010
Associate Clinical Professor, Emeritus University of California, San Francisco, Family and Community Medicine
Medical Director, Andrews/Reiter Epilepsy Research Program, 1982-2012
Consultant Neurologist, Clinical and Teaching Volunteer Assignment: National Referral Hospital, Kingdom of Bhutan, February-March 2012 and April 2013

Private Practice
Private Practice of Neurology, Santa Rosa, California 1974-2010
Active Staff to 2010, Sutter Hospital Santa Rosa, Past Chief-of-Staff, Retired
Courtesy Staff to 2010, Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, Retired

Professional Organizations & Memberships
American Academy of Neurology
San Francisco Neurological Society

Presentations (Partial List)
Epilepsy Society of Calgary, Seminar and Workshop, 1989.
Epilepsy Europe, Glasgow, Scotland, Invited Presentation and Workshop, 1992.
National Epilepsy Society Options Conference, Victoria, BC, 1995.
San Francisco Neurological Society, 46th Annual Meeting.
Stanford Medical School, Department of Neurology Grand Rounds.
23rd International Epilepsy Congress, Prague, CK, Presentation and Workshop, 1999.
NYU School of Medicine, Alternative Epilepsy Conference, 2001, Invited Presentation and Workshop.

Publications (Partial List)
Reiter, J.M., Lambert, R.D., Andrews, D., Kastl, A. and Cobb, T., Complex Partial Epilepsy: A Therapeutic Model of Behavioral Management and EEG Biofeedback, Self Control in Epilepsy, 1 (2): 27-38, 1990.
Reiter, J.M., Andrews, D. and Janis, C., Taking Control of Your Epilepsy: A Workbook for Patients and Professionals, Andrews/Reiter Epilepsy Research Program, Santa Rosa, CA, 1987.
Richard, A. and Reiter, J., Epilepsy: A New Approach, 2nd Ed, Walker & Co., New York, NY, 1995.
Reiter, J.M. and Andrews, D.J., A Neurobehavioral Approach for Treatment of Complex Partial Epilepsy: Efficacy, Seizure, 9 (3): 198-203, 2000.
Reiter, J, Andrews, D., Reiter, C. and LaFrance Jr., W. Taking Control of Your Seizures: Workbook, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, in press June 2015

State of California

Medical-Legal Issues Evaluated
Brain disorders, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Cerebral Vascular Accident (Stroke), Electrical shock, Epicondylitis, Hands, Head trauma, Headaches, Lumbar strain, Neck, Neuritis, Neurotoxicology, Peripheral Neuropathy, Radiculopathy, Seizures, Shoulders, Spine (Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar strains), Tenosynovitis, Thoracic outlet syndrome, Upper & Lower extremity repetitive strains, Wrist & hand strains


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